Chapter 24

Nurse Mu was still concern so before entering, she checked Song Zhi You's bag, she is afraid of any accident.

When she is finally sure only then Song Zhi You enter.

She was already near the gate, a girl with the same age as her wearing a pure white dress, she has a pale but still pretty face, the girl suddenly knelt in front of her.

Song Zhi You take a step back and just look at the now crying girl while saying

"Your parents just want you home! why do you have to report them to the police?"

She said heartbroken, the other students and parents look at them, watching

Song Zhi You just look at her coldly.

She recognize the girl, it is Song Xinyi, the moment she saw her, Song Zhi You already recognized her.

Song Xinyi didn't hear anything so she cried even more

"Our parents just want you home?is it bad for them to take you back? why do you have to sue them? please! i am begging you, let us just go home okay?"

Song Zhi You didn't say anything and just look bored, the parents already judge what is happening so they start questioning her.

"You child! it was your parents!"

"Poor parents! they just want the best for their child and yet!sigh!"

"Tsk, tsk! daughter when you see this kind of daughter move away from her! i don't want her to contaminate you!"

Lu Zhimming and the others are still there, they are a little far from her but they saw and heard a little.

Nurse Mu wanted to come forward but Lu Zhimming stop her and just watch the show.

Song Xinyi already achieved want she want so she add more wood to the fire.

"You even let the police take them! can you just please forgive them? they are still your parents!"

Song Zhi You seeing the time sighed and took her registration and show it while explaining

"This miss! as you can see in my registration id i don't have parents! see? i am an orphan! i was thrown into an orphanage since i remember! so where these parents came from?"

The onlookers were dumbfounded, then saw the proof and looked at the girl who was kneeling.

"Yes! classmate Song is an orphan! everyone in Nanyung school knows that!"

One of the students said then another one add

"I remember before there is this group that wanted to kidnap classmate Song saying that they will bring her home!"

"Yes! then i heard that there is a couple again who wanted to claim her as their daughter! Song Zhi You was greatly frightened so she don't have a choice but to ask the police for help!"

The onlookers were again startled and looked at Song Xinyi weirdly, Song Xinyi bit her lips then explain

"Our parents have their own difficulties! please understand!"

Song Zhi You look at her then ask

"Are you saying that my parents are your parents?"

Song Xinyi nod

"Are we twins then? we are the same age"

Song Xinyi didn't know how to answer so Song Zhi You continue

"You look like you live well! you grew up with them i am right? then explain to me what is their difficulties on abandoning one and keeping the other?"

The crowd nod, Song Zhi You add

"I did not grow up as rich and educated as you, i have had to rely on my own for everything since i was 10, but i am not stupid! you obviously purposely come to me when the entrance exam will start! you planned this well so i will be distracted from answering the test papers! you obviously want me to fail the exam that i have been waiting for a very long time so i can change my life!"

Song Zhi You look colder and continue

"I don't know any conspiracies but i can easily read the evil person's mind like you! your parents have been issued the order for more than a week now! you could come to me at my house because your parents know it but instead, you come to me today in here! if not wanted to ruin my future then what is it?"

The parents and students feeling enlightened then look at the kneeling person with contempt and fright.