Arrival of the Church Members.

Donovan took the lead followed by Mr. Welsh, Martha, and then Theodore who still had a bored and lazy look on his face. He looked as if he badly needed to get back to sleep and be left there without being disturbed.

The church members after entering the building, walked along the path that was now covered with snow, their shoes plowed the snow as they moved forward. They took a turn to their right before they entered through the small gates that led to the main building of the local constabulary building where the head warden's office was situated.

Almost immediately, the head warden rushed out of his office and met the church members halfway. His hat sat on his head and his coat covered his small body protecting him from the cold and snow. But it didn't stop his hands from shaking at the sight of the people who now stood with their chins up in confidence as they peered down at his small figure.