Questioning Mr. Humphrey (1)

Donovan's question brought a minute of silence in the room, especially on the part of Mr. Humphrey.

He stayed quiet still trying to understand what Donovan said. Vampires? Abduction? Mr. Persin? Why were these words sounding foreign in his ears? He questioned himself in doubt. 

Ever since he was appointed as the head warden of the local constabulary in the village of Woodbridge, he had not experienced the havoc of the vampires nor had there been any report of humans being abducted and killed by vampires. And who was the abducted Mr. Persin he haven't heard of?

Mr. Humphrey shifted uncomfortably on both legs. The discomfort he had in his heart by having these church members in his office grew more as seconds ticked into minutes. He knew this case was not going to be an easy one that would be dropped in a short time. Anything concerning vampires killing humans was highly not welcomed by the church.