Chapter 28: Surviving Every Movie 3.

Surviving Every Movie In 24 Hours 3.

They wore them again and entered the movies again, Emmanuel and Vanessa were practicing for the drama

Emmanuel: I'll die

Emmanuel's friends began to laugh

Vanessa: No, Don't kill yourself Emmanuel

Amanda: Emmanuel is falling in love for Vanessa

Emmanuel and Vanessa held one blueberries in their hands

Rutherford: This is the most hilarious things ever

Teacher (Nancy): It's excellent

Vanessa: Don't fall for me, Emmanuel

Emmanuel: Why's that?

Vanessa: I said don't fall for me

Vanessa left

Favour: I hope you're not falling in love with Nessa

Emmanuel: Of Course not

Favour, Rutherford and Amanda left. Emmanuel saw that he has lost and another attempt and it's Game over for him, he then heard Vanessa crying. Bestlove was in the forest

Bestlove: I'll just stay here until it's Game over for me

Bestlove bent down, Kurt came to her

Kurt: Bestlove, what are u doing here?

Bestlove: Why do u keep following me?

Kurt: I just want to keep u safe, the fans watching wants us to be a couple

Bestlove: And, I don't want that to happen

Kurt sadly left, a boy (Rutherford) was about to throw a dart at Bestlove. Sandra got dressed nicely, she saw the mean girls bullying a nerd boy who was eating . Sandra came to the mean girls

Sandra: Hey

Precious: What do u want, Strange Girl?

Sandra: I want to be part of u girls

Favour: What shows that u can be part of us?

Sandra: Uhm...Just watch me

Sandra took the nerd's sandwich and replaced it with chocolate, the nerd took the bread and bit it

Nerd (Rutherford): Ahhhh, who did this? I'm allergic to chocolates

The nerd scratching his self, he went away. The mean girls laughed

Precious: That was so incredible, u can join us

Precious sat down, Precious ex boyfriend came to the Canteen

Sandra: Who's that?

Amanda: It's Edmund, Precious ex boyfriend

Sandra: Edmund?

Favour: Don't let her hear u

Precious: Did someone say Edmund?

Amanda: Let's get out of here, Precious

The mean girls left, Sandra was staring at Edmund. Ann was in Potion class

Reggie: Don't touch anything today, And Stay out of trouble today

Ann: Okay, I won't touch anything

Favour and Kurt laughed at them

Favour: The weirdo is back again

Ann became angry and pulled on Potion on them, Favour and Kurt became old

Teacher (Rania): You both lose a 100 points

The teacher left

Ann: I'm so sorry, Reggie

Reggie angrily left, Ann was so sad that she hit on a pic and it fell. Ann paused the movie