Chapter 29: Surviving Every Movie 4.

Surviving Every Movie In 24 Hours 4.

Bestlove: Guys, what happened?

Ann: Two mean students were bullying us so I poured a Potion on them and now they've turned old

Sandra: I'm also a mean girl and I'm still in the game

Bestlove: I just don't want to participate in the Hanger Games again

Emmanuel: And, I seem to be in love with her

Ann: You're supposed to know what's bothering her

Emmanuel: How about we all help each other?

Sandra: That's a good idea

They were back in the game, the 3 friends were in Hunger Games. Emmanuel caught the dart in time, Rutherford ran away. Bestlove got up

Emmanuel: Now, call Kurt back

Bestlove: Kurt!! Kurt!! He's not hearing anything

Emmanuel held the poisonous dart and pointed it at Bestlove

Emmanuel: And, now scream

Bestlove: Ahhhh

Kurt turned, Emmanuel and the rest left. Kurt came to Bestlove

Kurt: Are u okay?

Bestlove: I'm fine

Kurt kissed Bestlove tightly, the friends were now in Mean Girls

Bestlove: I was kissing Kurt and u stopped me

Ann: We have to help Sandra here

Bestlove: Sandra, go talk to Edmund

Sandra: I'm not so sure

Bestlove: Just go

Bestlove pushed Sandra to Edmund

Sandra: Hi, I'm Sandra

Edmund: I'm Edmund

Sandra brought her hand for a handshake but her hand was shaking

Edmund: Are u afraid of me?

Sandra: Oh, No. I was just thinking if you'll go out with me

Edmund: Where?

Sandra looked at her friends

Ann: You can do this

Sandra: On a date

Edmund: Of Course

The friends appeared at A Walk To Remember

Emmanuel: What should I do?

Ann: Go talk to her, dumb

Emmanuel went to talk to Vanessa

Emmanuel: Vanessa, why are u crying?

Vanessa: Nothing just leave me alone, you said we can never be together

Emmanuel: Why can't we be together?

Vanessa: I'm sick

The friends were now at Harry Potter, Sandra used her magic wand to fix the portrait then she changed Kurt and Favour

Favour: How did she do that?

Sandra gave a magic book to Ann, Ann opened the book

Ann: Abraca...

Sandra: It's a spell for a witch so don't read it

Bestlove: Bye, Guys

Emmanuel: Bye

Sandra: Bye

Ann: Let's hope we all win

Bestlove and Kurt were in a boat

Bestlove: Where are we?

Kurt: We're on the last challenge, we have to get the prize

They were to use the Boat to reach the island and get the trophy

Bestlove: Kurt, I love u but I have to do this

Bestlove fell into the sea, Bestlove was eliminated