I saw a woman

The atmosphere became awkward as soon as Gideon left. Nori and Cozan engaged in a staring contest for a while, no one saying anything.

It had felt strangely good to have someone else apart from Karina have her back and look out for her just the way Gideon did a while ago. 

She had not said anything when they were exchanging words, but she couldn't deny that his words and actions made her heart swell. 

But now, he was gone and she was standing with and staring at this stranger she had only spent a few minutes with. She didn't know him and didn't trust his intentions yet, but she didn't think he would harm her after receiving all those threats from Gideon. 

The emotion on his face was one she couldn't decipher. When the silence dragged on for too long, she decided to break it.

"Umm... Can we begin the process? What do I do first?" 

"You just arrived. You should rest while I fix something for you to eat." Cozan suggested.