Chapter 5: Doing Chores

Several days after Chase was tasked with cleaning the library he was interrupted while making his bed by a knock on the door. He opened it after the knocking stopped to find Morgan standing on the other side with a paper in his hand.

He looked up at Chase when the door opened fully.

Chase glanced at the paper before looking back up at Morgan who grinned at him and waved the page with a cheerful, “I’ve got your schedule.” He handed it over and Chase skimmed over it, trying not to appear disappointed by it.

The schedule wasn't exactly empty but it wasn't completely full either. Chase was scheduled to help out Korrin and Simon relatively regularly but only a few times a week. He was scheduled to help around the manor most days but he still had a couple of free days as well.

Chase wasn't sure what he was supposed to do on the days he wasn't scheduled to do anything. He wanted to ask but didn't want to be rude so he just offered Morgan a small, weak smile and looked back at the page to memorize it.

When he looked up from the schedule Morgan was standing in the doorway casually, watching him with a soft look on his face. Chase didn’t know what to make of it so he pretended to be focused on the schedule again.

After a moment Chase realized Morgan was probably waiting for him to say something about it. He looked up, startled that he’d possibly upset him. “Th-thank you, Master,” he stuttered. “I’ll get to work right away.”

Morgan grinned slightly. “You’re welcome. Don’t overwork yourself though, you don’t have to rush.”

Chase didn’t know what to say so he just nodded, folding the paper and pocketing it before turning back to his bed to make it. He was scheduled to clean the manor that day, he might as well get started as soon as he could.

For the first half of the week, Chase was to clean the manor and for the latter, he was supposed to help Korrin and Simon with a day’s break between them.

The weekends were empty as well with notes that he was supposed to assist Morgan with other tasks that had come up. Chase wasn't sure what those tasks were and was rather anxious to find out.

On the second day of cleaning the manor, Morgan had decided to shadow him, hovering in the corner of the rooms and watching Chase work. As they were leaving Morgan’s room so Chase could clean the halls Morgan spoke up.

“I’ve realized you’ve been cooped up in the house since you got here,” he said. When Chase turned to look at him he had a thoughtful expression on his face.

“You should go make some friends, the pack is full of kind souls so you shouldn't have much trouble with that.”

Chase paused, the broom nearly slipping from his hand. “Friends?” he queried, trying not to sound nearly as stressed as he felt. He hadn't made friends since Kara all those years ago, he wasn't sure how to go about it now.

Morgan just nodded. “Go take the rest of the night off, make some friends, I’ll finish up here.”

Chase felt conflicted, wanting to continue his chores just as much as he wanted to obey his Master’s new order. He found himself making a strangled sound before sighing, setting the broom up against the wall, and bowing slightly with a small, “Yes, Master.”

Morgan looked like he wanted to say something in response to that but he must've thought better because he just nodded at Chase and moved forward to grab the broom as Chase brushed past him to head down the stairs.


Chase stared up at the manor as the door closed behind him. He didn't know where to start on his task of making friends and as he turned to look out over the village he saw people bustling around.

He hesitantly stepped forward to head into the village, hoping he didn't have to try too hard to make friends.

As he stepped past Simon’s home the door opened and the doctor stepped out and Chase sent a silent ‘thanks’ to whatever entity had blessed him with a familiar face.

“Oh, Chase!” Simon greeted, grinning widely at him. “What brings you here? Morgan told me he made a schedule for you, how’s that been?”

Chase smiled in return, shuffling awkwardly. “He told me to take a break and make friends. The schedule is fine, I guess.”

Simon nodded. “Well, I could introduce you to some of the pack members or you could tag along with me on my errands.”

Chase debated those options before deciding.

“I’d like to spend time with you, please.”

“Of course!” Simon beamed. He patted himself down and pulled out a slip of paper that had neat writing on it. “I need these things from the shopkeepers, do you mind helping me with that?” He handed the slip of paper to Chase so he could look it over.

Simon turned to grab a basket from his house while Chase looked at the list.

Bread from the baker, eggs from the chicken farmer, meat from the butcher, and a handful of other artisan goods. Chase looked up at Simon as they started walking. “What are you making?” he queried curiously.

“Just some simple breakfasts. It’s not much, there will be better goods after the upcoming hunt, but I like to eat round meals,” he explained. “It'll be good for you to learn and memorize where to get everything in case Morgan sends you out alone to get goods,” he added, leading the way.

Simon engaged Chase in small talk as they went from shop to shop to gather the things he needed. Chase found it intriguing that no money was exchanged, instead, Simon handed over goods of his own made from herbs and other plants in exchange for the things he needed.

Upon inquiring about it Simon smiled.

“We have no real need for money,” he explained. “We’ve mostly isolated ourselves from society and we’re self-sufficient for the most part. Morgan’s the one with the money, he takes trips into the city for things we need. If we don't have it we petition him to get them.”

Chase nodded slightly in understanding. “So he’s the leader?” he asked.

Simon smiled and nodded. “He leads the pack and I assist him when he requires it, though I expect he’ll be asking your advice on things at some point. I’m also the pack healer so I kind of help take care of everyone,” he explained.

“Wait, why would he ask me?” Chase frowned, confused.

Simon studied him for a second before giving him a small smile. “I’ll let him explain that, it's not my place to tell.”

Chase didn't press further and the two continued their mission of gathering goods from the various shops, Simon pointing out other establishments that he hadn't pointed out during the initial tour the whole while.

By the time they’d gathered everything it was turning dark and Simon had led them back toward his home.

“Well,” he smiled, “thank you for your assistance. Feel free to come find me during your free time in the future if you’d like. Everyone is friendly and you’ll be more than welcome to spend time with the others,” he stated.

“Don't be afraid to befriend other pack members, alright?” Simon nudged him lightly.

Chase nodded meekly. “Thank you,” he said, prompting Simon to laugh a little bit.

“Don’t worry so much,” the doctor chuckled, “you really have nothing to worry about here.” Chase nodded once more in acknowledgment and Simon motioned to his door.

“I should go put things up, you should go check in with Morgan. It’s getting late, we don't want him worrying too much.”

Chase frowned and looked over at the manor. “Okay,” he murmured.

Simon sniggered. “He’s not that bad,” he grinned. “A worry-wart maybe, but not bad.” He nudged Chase forward a bit. “Go on,” he encouraged.

Chase glanced back at him for a moment before making his way toward the manor and up the front steps. When he opened the door Morgan was waiting for him, turning to him with a wide grin and inquiring about his day.

Chase looked at the abandoned cleaning supplies at the base of the steps and glanced around. Morgan looked sheepish when he turned to him, grabbing the supplies.

“You’re terrible at cleaning,” Chase stated before moving past him to fix Morgan’s mess while the man tossed him a small pout before laughing and nodding.

“I am,” he said, following Chase. “Do you mind teaching me?”

Chase blinked at him but smiled softly. “Alright,” he agreed, proceeding to show Morgan how it was done. Maybe Morgan wasn't so bad after all.