Chapter 6: Making Friends

Chase spent the first month or so at the village mostly doing his chores or hanging out with Simon during his free time. He usually helped Simon with his shopping but he’d also started helping him cook his meals.

Chase had never been much of a chef but he had to admit it was enjoyable to work in the kitchen.

Simon showed him some of the popular dishes among the pack and Chase eagerly helped with each one. He’d even managed to convince Morgan to let him help out in the kitchen at the manor.

He had to admit that Morgan was actually rather enjoyable to be around; a little nerve-wracking and intimidating but otherwise, he was nice. Morgan was gentle with him which Chase wasn't used to but he certainly wouldn't complain.

Morgan still watched Chase clean occasionally or attempted to help. Chase wasn't entirely sure how to handle those days yet. He still wasn't any better at cleaning but Chase didn't mind, he rather liked cleaning since it was kind of calming.

Chase finished cleaning for the day and stepped back to admire his work in the library. He’d finally done a thorough job with his tasks to get rid of the dust and stray cobwebs that had built up from the lack of proper attention.

“Chase, I—” Morgan trailed off as he stepped into the room, drawing Chase’s attention as he looked up from a page in his hand. He blinked and looked around in wonder. “Oh wow,” he murmured. “You did great, it looks brand new.”

Chase grinned. “Thanks!”

Morgan nodded mutely and looked back at the paper, striding into the room and over to Chase. “I made your new schedule,” he said, handing it over to him.

Chase took it and skimmed over it, frowning slightly. His schedule was emptier than usual. “Did I do something wrong?”

Morgan looked confused when Chase glanced up to meet his eyes. “What? No,” he shook his head. “I have a hunting party planned for later this week, I need you to assist me in setting up and then help prepare the feast when we return.”

“Oh,” Chase said, looking at the sheet of paper again. “Is that all?”

Morgan hummed in confirmation. He looked around at the library again and turned back to Chase. “Why don't you take the rest of the day off? Go have some free time, maybe hang out with Simon? You two have been getting along well; I’m glad.”

Chase smiled softly and nodded. “He’s really kind,” he admitted.

Morgan beamed. “He is, isn't he? Honestly, everyone is kind but I’m glad you like Simon, he’s my right-hand man.” He waved Chase on, “Go, have some you time.”

Chase paused very briefly before nodding, offering Morgan a wan smile. “I’ll see you later?”

“Of course,” Morgan grinned. “At dinner,” he offered, “I’ll make a surprise.”

Chase wanted to argue but thought better of it. Morgan was keen on doing things for Chase to help him adjust to his new life, be that small changes in Chase’s schedule so he was a little busier (upon request) or small acts of service for Chase.

He wasn't entirely sure what to make of it but he didn't want to complain and seem ungrateful either so he left it at that.

Chase gave Morgan a small bow and turned to leave, setting his supplies down on the large round table as he passed it; he’d put those up later when he got back.

He left the manor and looked around the village a little until he found Simon in the nursery tending to a child who was crying after having fallen and scraped their knee.

Simon spoke softly to the child, his voice soothing as he explained what he was doing as he cleaned the wound and applied a salve to it. Chase walked over to him as he applied a cute bandage to the child’s wound, eliciting a large smile from them as they stopped crying.

“I didn't know you were so good with children,” Chase found himself saying, smiling at Simon as he stood up and brushed his pants off as if they were dirty.

“You wound me,” Simon teased, smiling as well. “I helped deliver most of our pups,” he explained, packing his supplies up in a bag he’d set aside.

“Thank you again,” Korrin’s appreciativeness was practically dripping from her voice as she spoke.

“Of course,” Simon beamed at her. “It is my job to care for the pack after all. He’ll heal up quickly. I applied an ointment that should stop it from hurting soon so he should forget all about it within the hour and be playing like normal with the others.”

Korrin nodded in acknowledgment and looked over at Chase, smiling at him. “I wasn't expecting to see you today,” she chuckled. “I believe you're scheduled for just Tuesday this week, yes?”

Chase nodded. “I have one day with you and one with Simon. Master told me that I’m to be helping prepare for a hunt?” his voice lilted with a question.

“Ah,” Simon effused. “I nearly forgot that was coming up, do you mind helping me prepare as well?” he leaned over to grab his pack from where he’d set it.

Chase raised an eyebrow. “For what?”

“Injuries,” Simon shrugged slightly.

Chase frowned. “Does hunting usually end in injury?”

“Not usually but it’s still best to be prepared.” Simon clarified. “I just need to gather some more herbs that I’m low on. Do you mind accompanying me? Having an extra set of hands should help the process go quicker.”

Chase nodded eagerly. “Of course!”

“Grand!” Simon cheered, grinning. “I need to get my basket first but then we can go foraging.” He gathered up his pack and bid Korrin farewell, leading Chase out of the nursery and towards his home.

Chase stood outside as Simon ducked in to grab his trug. Moments later they were trekking toward the forest that surrounded the village to collect herbs and plants that grew wild.

They spent an hour or two gathering what Simon needed while he showed Chase which plants were which. By the time they finished Chase was fairly confident he could correctly identify plants if he needed to gather some alone.

They headed back to the village as it grew dark and Simon led the way to the infirmary so he could set things up to be put away later when they were prepared properly.

When they finished there Chase accompanied Simon towards his home and they parted ways, Simon going inside and Chase making his way towards the manor.

When he stepped inside the smell of meat and spices washed over him, eliciting a low rumble of hunger from his stomach. He went to investigate, stepping into the kitchen to find Morgan checking a recipe as he cooked.

Chase walked over to the counter where some vegetables were set aside to be chopped up. “Do you need help?” he asked, looking over at Morgan who was adding more spices to a pot.

The other man looked over at him briefly before turning back to the pot. “You don't have to,” he said, “but I know you know that. You can chop those up if you’d like,” he motioned to the vegetables briefly as he stirred the pot.

Chase nodded in acknowledgment and grabbed a knife, turning back to the cutting board to chop the vegetables. They worked silently together in tandem until Chase finished the vegetables and they were added to the pot.

Morgan thanked him and told him he could go find something to occupy his time until dinner was ready. Chase excused himself and went to gather the supplies he’d left in the library only to find they'd already been put up.

Instead, he wandered the aisles until he found an interesting book to read.

Eventually, Morgan came to get him and they went to the dining room where Morgan had set out two bowls. Chase smiled as he sat in his seat across from Morgan. He picked up his silverware and took a bite, nearly moaning in delight at the flavor.

“Like it?” Morgan asked, looking hopeful.

Chase nodded happily. “It’s really good!” he praised.

Beef stew was one of his favorite dishes; his mother used to make it when he was little and Morgan’s was just as good if not better. Chase ate happily while Morgan watched, smiling brightly as he admired him.

Chase decided Morgan was alright. He may not say it aloud but Morgan sure was one hell of a cook. He hoped the hunting trip would yield even more delicious food.