Chapter 7: The Hunters

Preparation for the hunt was rather hectic in Chase’s opinion. He had joined the party in the library at the manor as they talked about the plan but he hadn't known what to do or say so he’d mostly hovered at Morgan's side.

He’d gotten a few odd or curious looks but no one said anything.

After they’d secured their plan they’d left the manor for the shed at the edge of the forest they would prepare for the hunt in. Chase wasn't sure how he was supposed to help so he stayed in the corner of the room.

He’d half expected the shed to be full of hunting gear—guns, knives, maybe even bows and arrows—but it wasn't.

Instead, it was a mostly empty room aside from a wall of cubbies that he wasn't sure the purpose of. As he was looking around several of the hunting party members sat on the ground filing their nails that could easily be classified as claws or checking their teeth in small mirrors.

When his attention returned to the party several of the members were stripping out of their clothes. Chase squeaked and hid his face as he watched one of them take their pants off. He heard Morgan’s chuckle at his side but didn't dare look at him.

“Sorry, I probably should've warned you,” he said, sounding amused. “A lot of us hunt nude because it feels less restrictive.”

“How are you okay with this?” Chase yelped quietly.

Morgan hummed almost thoughtfully. “Well,” he started, “I guess we view nudity differently. For us, nudity is just as natural as breathing. Everyone is born nude, after all, so it’s not all that strange. I don't expect you to magically be fine with it but you’ll likely be assisting with hunt preparations in the future as well so you might want to get used to it.”

Chase frowned to himself and peeked through his fingers, shuddering slightly before looking down at his feet. It was strange being in a room full of nude people but he tried not to think about it too hard.

Sure it was strange that they hunted naked but to each their own, right?

Chase was tasked with helping Morgan get ready above everything else. During the party meeting to plan the hunt, he’d been asked to oversee the meeting, advising if he felt the need but mostly he was asked to stand at Morgan’s side.

As he ignored the other hunt members he helped Morgan tend to his nails and when Morgan started taking his clothes off Chase was asked to fold them and put them in one of the cubbies on the wall.

He tried not to look at anyone, especially Morgan, certain his face was red as he tucked Morgan’s stuff away.

After the party was prepared Chase was asked to accompany them to the edge of the forest to see them off. Just before they disappeared into the trees Morgan tossed Chase a large smile and told him they’d be back by sundown.

Chase watched them vanish from sight before turning around to head back into the village.


Chase was joking around with Simon in the infirmary when the door slammed open, startling both of them.

Simon stood from his seat across from Chase as two of the hunt members stepped in with Morgan supported with an arm over each of their shoulders. His head was down as if he couldn't hold it up and Chase stood up, alarmed.

“Lay him down,” Simon ordered, pushing the small tray he and Chase had been sitting at aside as he made his way over to the trio. “What happened?”

“Rogue wolf,” one of the men said as they laid Morgan down on the cot Simon had indicated. “Came out of nowhere.”

Simon nodded, moving to check Morgan over. Chase briefly registered he was still nude, albeit covered in dirt and blood, as he approached.

There was a gash on Morgan’s side that was oozing black and Chase gasped, covering his mouth in horror.

“Wolfsbane,” Simon muttered as if that explained everything. “Chase, can you grab me some gauze and the saline? I need to wash the wound and fast.”

Chase obeyed quickly and hovered behind Simon as he tended to the wound.

Morgan looked dazed as Simon worked at him but he turned to look at Chase anyway. He smiled slightly, clearly trying not to show how much pain he was in.

“I’m okay,” Morgan said, reaching out towards Chase weakly and causing Simon to grumble as he shifted to adjust to the movement. Morgan held a hand out towards Chase who stared at it, teary-eyed, before grabbing it.

Morgan squeezed his hand firmly and Chase let out a shuddering breath. “You better be,” he found himself saying and Morgan chuckled, giving him a fond look.

“I’m not dying anytime soon,” he promised. “Simon knows what he’s doing.”

“Drink this,” Simon interrupted, giving them an exasperated look. “It’ll counteract the wolfsbane. You might not feel a hundred percent for a while but it's better than dying. You’re lucky you weren't any later.”

Morgan let go of Chase’s hand and sat up slightly with Simon’s help, downing the bottle. He made a face that had Simon snorting, amused. “What, did you think it would taste good?”

“A little,” Morgan grumbled.

“Tough, it’s meant to drag you back from death’s doors not taste like candy,” Simon said, turning to clean up his supplies.

Chase hovered by Morgan a bit longer. Morgan looked up at him, an exhausted look in his eyes. “Sorry if I scared you,” he said.

Chase shrugged. “You didn't mean to.”

Morgan hummed. “Maybe not but still. Are you alright?”

Chase frowned at him. “I should be asking you that, you're the one with a gash in your side,” he scowled.

Morgan looked down at himself as if he’d forgotten. He flexed slightly and winced as it pulled before looking back up at Chase. “This is nothing,” he shrugged. “I’ve had worse.”

“He nearly lost a leg once to a hunter’s trap he didn't see,” Simon piped up, coming back over with a bandage wrap to wind around Morgan’s torso. “Arms up,” he instructed.

Chase watched Simon bandage Morgan’s side as the two spoke, Morgan joking about the whole thing. It soothed Chase a little, if Morgan felt good enough to mess around then he’d be just fine. Chase relaxed, watching the two exchange words.

At one point Morgan sent Chase to retrieve his clothes from the shed and when Morgan was dressed they headed back to the manor together. Morgan let Chase help him walk even though he didn't really need it and Chase was thankful.

He was growing fond of Morgan and he wanted to make certain he was alright.

By the time they got to the manor, it was dark out so Chase helped Morgan up to his room and bid him goodnight before retiring to his own room. He stared up at the ceiling and sighed to himself.

It was great that Morgan was fine but he couldn't help but dwell on what the other hunters had said.

“Rogue wolf” echoed through his head accompanied by the diagram of a humanoid wolf he’d seen when he’d arrived at the village. He shook his head to clear it, he was probably thinking too much about it. He rolled onto his side and closed his eyes, willing himself to fall asleep.