Chapter 29: Communicating is Key

Chase was thankful to Korrin for letting him go early because as soon as he walked into the manor he smelled a delicious meal being cooked and went to investigate. He found Morgan in the kitchen happily cooking what looked like shish kebabs.

Chase hesitated in the doorway for a moment before moving forward toward Morgan.

“Can I help?” he found himself asking. The way Morgan jumped as Chase asked the question was highly amusing and Chase chuckled a little.

Morgan smiled at him softly.

“Sure,” he motioned to a tray with some meat and vegetables on it. “Can you skewer those for me?” Chase nodded and set to work. They worked together in silence for a moment before Morgan broke it.

“Is this okay?” the wolf shifter asked, sounding hesitant.

Chase looked up at him before looking back down at his task. “Yeah,” he said.

Morgan must've been expecting more because he was silent until Chase looked up at him again.