Chapter 28: Space

Several days passed with Morgan giving Chase space which entailed him getting up earlier to make food that Chase could reheat when he himself got up. Morgan made meals and left Chase’s dishes in the kitchen for him while he cooped himself up in his office.

Chase felt a little bad that Morgan was actively avoiding him to give him space but he didn't know how to talk to Morgan about it, especially when the wolf shifter was never around. Chase tried to push his troubling thoughts away as he made his way to the nursery.

Korrin glanced over at him when he opened the nursery door and gave him a short wave, ushering him toward her.

Chase made his way over to her and kneeled beside her and the little girl whose hair she was braiding.

“Have you ever braided before?” she asked him, not looking up from her task.

“No,” Chase responded. “I never really needed to,” he admitted, watching her hands move curiously.