Chapter 47: One Last Push



The next evening, I kissed Nathaniel goodbye as I raced out the door. He had been supervising the movers as they emptied out my apartment. I couldn't come back here once today was over. I had already made preparations for most of my stuff. I had also given Patrice a vague warning and told her to take care of Hades for me.

I waved at Dedra as I came outside. He was chauffeuring me around to save face in front of Thomas. "Thanks for taking me today," I said, hopping into the passenger seat.

"No problem, plus it helps me keep an eye on you while we do this," Dedra said, shoving his way into traffic. "How did Nathaniel take the news last night?"

"I'm pretty sure he broke all my dishes," I chuckled. "I was trying to make some food last night and noticed that I only had a few dishes left. But other than that, it's pretty good."

"Well, you're still in one piece so I would take a chance and say that he must really love you," Dedra noted.