Chapter 48: The Flames of War



Waiting a few blocks away, we waited until Dedra got a confirming text that Thomas had left for the bank. That gave us a 30-minute window to get in and destroy everything before the sun came up and everyone needed to leave. Hopefully, Thomas would be stalled until then.

Dedra texted them back to get the rest of his men out. Pulling up around the back, Samuel got out first and held the door open for me.

"I'll be back soon, okay?" I said to Nathaniel. He had been quiet during the ride over, sitting in the front seat.

Turning around to face me he gave me a small smile, "Just yell if you need me, I'll be close by in case anything happens." I gave him a kiss and got out of the car. Entering the warehouse, we made our way quickly over to the storage room in the back.