Chapter 5: Magic Circle

'hmm, So many Things happened in short amount of time. Breaking through first ring, Obtaining a Hero rank class, Obtaining 5000 currency point, Access to system's Shop and most importantly, Obtaining Memories of Phil. It was a Huge gain.'

'I have a good idea to become more powerful faster. In this world, there are two ways of cultivation. Body Cultivation and Mana Cultivation. Some races can Cultivate one of them and some races can cultivate both of them. there are some races like dragons that cultivate both of them together.

'In Mana Cultivation, cultivator make his heart more powerful and gather Mana in it. So their Mana pool is Huge and their body is powerful to but can not be compared with their Mana pool or Body of Body Cultivators. In Body Cultivation, cultivator use Mana in Air and Refine his body and make it more powerful. Their body is more powerful than mana cultivators but their mana pool is smaller than them. because they focus on whole body and not just heart. So their heart is weaker and mana within it is lower too.'

'But in Jerahand there is another way of cultivation that is close to mana cultivation of this world. Magicians use Runic Knowledge of that world and make Circles around their heart and by using those circles they store mana Around their heart (not Within it). this way of Cultivation has so many problem. Like Talent Limitation. By storing mana around their heart, they need to pay toll by their heart and if their heart can't resist mana's pressure, it will stop beating and magician will die. there wasn't a way to make heart more powerful in that world and only way was waiting until heart become naturally more powerful by resisting pressure of stored mana around itself. another problem that this way had, was power limitation. In my life as Phil, i was at the peak of seventh circle and i could make a new circle in a few month, but my power level was around early stage of second ring, not higher. But it doesn't matter. Even That much power for current me is Very Important and because of my powerful dragon heart i probably can reach higher Stages from my life as Phil.'

After that Lex started to create circles around his heart.

[Ding! You Created Your First Magic Circle. Mana Stats {+3}]

[Ding! You Obtained Common Skill Magic Circle.]

[Ding! You Created Your Second Magic Circle. Mana Stats {+5}]

[Ding! You Created Your Third Magic Circle. Mana Stats {+7}]

[Ding! You Created Your Fourth Magic Circle. Mana Stats {+10}]

[Ding! You Created Your Fifth Magic Circle. Mana Stats {+15}]

[Ding! You Created Your Sixth Magic Circle. Mana Stats {+20}]

[Ding! You Created Your Seventh Magic Circle. Mana Stats {+30}]

[Ding! You Created Your Eighth Magic Circle. Mana Stats {+40}]

'Shit. I Already Surpassed my previous life but i can sense, that this isn't my limit. My heart is still at ease. I Means that i can reach ninth circle that only 2 persons in the whole history reached or even reach the legendary tenth circle that no one ever reached. Let's Continue for now.'

[Ding! You Created Your Ninth Magic Circle. Mana Stats {+50}]

'Yeah. Ninth Magic Circle. Let's go for Tenth one.'

[Ding! You Created Your Tenth Magic Circle. Mana Stats {+100}]

[Ding! You Leveled up Your Common Skill, Magic Circle To Max level (Level 10). If You want to Upgrade Rank of this Skill you need to attain an enlightenment.]

'Shit. I Reached Limit of This way of cultivation. From The Way that system announced, there should be a way to make new magic circles. hmm, it's not like i can Upgrade it now if i keep thinking about it. And Look at my mana stat, it's f*cking Fantastic. I never expected something like that. My mana level is around Mid Stage Second Ring Mana Cultivators.

[Status Window]

Name: Lex Von Desanders

Age: 19

Race: Half Dragon | Half Phoenix

Bloodline: Poison Dragon (Rare) | Azure Phoenix (Legendary) (Unawakened)

Occupation: None

Cultivation: First Ring

Class: Child of Darkness (Heroic)

Level: 11


Health: 36/36

Mana: 35/35 ---> 315/315

Mental Power: 66

Strength: 34

Agility: 82

Defense: 33

Stamina: 44/44

Free Stat Point(s): 8

Shop Currency: 5121

Skill(s): (Pain Resistance (Common) Level 8) - (Poison Resistance (Rare) Level 1) - (Poisonous Blood (Rare) Level 1) - (Poison Art (Rare) Level 1) - (Child of Darkness (Heroic) Level 1) - (Spell Casting (Rare Skill) Level 6) - (Magic Circle (Common) Level 10)

'yep. i'm very powerful compared to first ring.'

[Warning! Someone is using a Mythical rank Artifact to deduce host. Host needs to be powerful enough to stand against these kinds of artifacts But this time, System detected if Mythical rank Artifact works properly, Existence of system will be known to user, so system stoped it.]

[Artifact user want's to know your condition. You Have three ways of answering:

1. Host is Alive.

2. Host is Dead.

3. Blocking Mythical rank artifact Without giving any answer.

Please Choose of on Options.]

'The f*ck? Someone is trying to find that i'm dead or alive? And he probably wants to know my condition and whereabout and some other things. because system judged that if artifact work perfectly, its existence will be known to Artifact user. hmm, what should i do? First of all, i can't let them know that i'm still alive, if they know it, they will try to come and kill me again. If i choose third option, they will try to find answer by using other ways but if artifact give them a proper answer about my death, they will not come after me again and i can become more powerful in dark. Yes that's the best way. I will Choose Option 2."

[You have Chosen option 2 (Host is Dead). Now Artifact User will think that you are dead.]

*** *** *** *** ***

"He is dead."

"WHAT? My... My son is dead? Where is his body? Who killed him? Grandpa, please..."

"I don't know. i used a 7-Star artifact. This should give us a full answer. If he is dead, where is his body? how did he die? who killed him? but the only answer that this artifact gave was that he is dead. there can only be 3 reasons for this kind of result. first, someone is using an artifact of same grade to hide truth. second, the person who killed your son is Eighth Ring powerhouse. third one... The killer used a special method of killing. He killed Lex by burning his soul and body at same time. with that method, he destroyed all karma and fate that he had with universe and only thing that mana remember about him is his existence. so when mana search about him and don't find him anywhere in the world, only result that it gets is that Lex is dead..."

"My poor child. They, they killed him just because of that stupid throne. Those Bitch are trying to make Their own children emperor of that stupid empire. I WILL KILL THOSE BASTARDS, *Sob* I will Destroy them. i will make them pay with their lives. *Sob*. no no. i will torture their own children in front of them. i will make them go through the pain that my son went. *Sob* *Sob* How, How can those bastards do this to a little boy that didn't do anything to them. How..."

"Angela... my cutie, find the culprit and do anything you want with him. I will support you. Just because i don't show my face, they think they can do anything they want with my blood. I will destroy that Desanders Empire if you want, So my cutie, don't cry and think. think of a way to identify the culprit and ways to make his life Hell."

And on that day, One of most powerful beings in the world, decided to come out of his seclusion after millions of years...