Chapter 6: System's Shop

'What the hell was that? Those f*ckers are still trying to kill me? What the hell did i even do to them... Mythical artifact... that means a 7-star Artifact... That's a national treasure. Maybe even my father doesn't have one except for his crown. Only ancestors of royal family have that kind of artifact or maybe there is one in some dukedoms... so i have enemies that powerful... people who has that kind of artifact are at least seven ring or in worst case scenario they are eight ring powerhouses... Shit. That mean their level have 9 digits so their stats...'

'I'm still fking WEAK. And i was happy just because i reached First ring... i'm not even qualified as an ant in front of those monsters... Shit. i need to become more powerful. let's Check system shop and see what kind of function it has.'

[System Shop]

[Artifacts] [Skills] [Items]


'hmm. Interesting. there are three sections. Artifacts, Skills and Items. Each section has ten Ranks: Common - Rare - Epic - Heroic - Legendary - Semi-Mythical - Mythical - Semi-God - God - ???

these ranks should be equal to 1-star - 2-star ... 9-star. i just don't know what ??? and i don't have access to this part too. item fees are like this too:

Common rank: Around 50 Shop currency

Rare rank: Around 500 Shop currency

Epic rank: Around 5000 Shop currency

Heroic rank: Around 50000 Shop currency


Artifact Section has all kinds of artifact and each artifact has it's own effect. Skill section has All kind of skills for all kind of classes that existed in whole history. I saw Child of darkness Skill there and it's fee was 70000 Shop currency. Yep. It's EXPENSIVE. at least for current me. Item section has all kind of items. item's that existed in all kind of world. there are car, computer, mobile and all kind of devices in common section. in higher sections are all kind of books, drugs, heaven treasures and other kind of things that don't categorized on artifact section.'

'well what should i buy?'


[You Bought Rare Skill "Sword Art".]

[You Bought Rare Artifact "Sturdy Sword".]

[You Bought Rare Artifact "Black Clothing"]

[You Bought Rare Skill "Dagger Art".]

[You Bought Rare Artifact "Venomous Dagger".]

[You Bought Rare Item "Body Refining Pill".]

[You Bought Rare Item "Body Purification Pill".]

[You Bought Rare Items "How Easily Gather Mana Volume 1 and 2".]

After Thinking for a whole hour, Lex Decided to buy these items. He bought Sword Art Because he don't know how fight. after that he bought Sturdy Sword because he needed a sword to use sword art. He Bought black clothing because he was naked and he needed some protection too. Black clothing can help him to erase his presence too. After that he bought dagger art and venomous dagger because he didn't want be limited to only sword and meanwhile, daggers are weapons of assassin. his skills are very suited to become an assassin so he decided to give it a try. He bought Body Refining Pill and Body Purification Pill because each one of them will give him 10 extra stats in each category and if they are used together, he will obtain an extra 5 stats in each category too. he bought How easily Gather Mana Volume 1 and 2 because he need new runic knowledge if he wants to upgrade his Mana Circle Skill to the next rank.

After Eating Pills and wearing clothing, his stats became like this:

[Status Window]

Name: Lex Von Desanders

Age: 19

Race: Half Dragon | Half Phoenix

Bloodline: Poison Dragon (Rare) | Azure Phoenix (Legendary) (Unawakened)

Occupation: None

Cultivation: First Ring

Class: Child of Darkness (Heroic)

Level: 11


Health: 36/36 ---> 61/61

Mana: 315/315 ---> 340/340

Mental Power: 66 ---> 91

Strength: 34 ---> 59

Agility: 82 ---> 107

Defense: 33 ---> 57 + (15)

Stamina: 44/44 ---> 69/69

Free Stat Point(s): 8

Shop Currency: 510

Skill(s): (Pain Resistance (Common) Level 8) - (Poison Resistance (Rare) Level 1) - (Poisonous Blood (Rare) Level 1) - (Poison Art (Rare) Level 1) - (Child of Darkness (Heroic) Level 1) - (Spell Casting (Rare Skill) Level 6) - (Magic Circle (Common) Level 10) - (Sword Art (Rare) Level 1) - (Dagger Art (Rare) Level 1)

'Now this is it. i should start Killing these bastards.'

Lex stood up and looked around himself. Abyss, was in darkness. Normally, he could see anything but because of effect of Child of Darkness skill, he could see around himself like he was seeing in daylight. About three meters away, there was a 3 meters, Red Snake. On it's body, were marks of fighting. it looked like this snake fought so many times in its life. Lex Activated Child of Darkness Skill and approached red snake. after that he used Sturdy sword and cut red snake.

[Ding! You have gained Exp from killing First Ring Monster "Red Snake".]

[Do you want to use Exp?]


[Ding! You have Leveled up.]

'Easy Peasy. I'm really overpowered with child of Darkness skill. Red snake didn't even sense my existence.'

After that he looked around and saw 3 Black and Long Snake. he approached them and killed them by using same method as before.

[Ding! You have gained Exp from killing First Ring Monster "Cobra".]

[Ding! You have gained Exp from killing First Ring Monster "Cobra".]

[Ding! You have gained Exp from killing First Ring Monster "Cobra".]

[Do you want to use Exp?]


[Ding! You have Leveled up.]

[Ding! You have Leveled up.]

'Shit. it's Fking easy. Let's Just Farm.'

*** *** *** *** ***

Three hours Later, Lex was still killing Snakes and taking revenge for all pain that he went through. Hi leveled up a dozens of times. but leveling up became harder. at first, he would level up by killing one early stage First Ring monster, but now he needed to Kill Four To level up once. it was a bit harder but Lex didn't give up and tried his best to take His REVE... Cough Cough. To Kill Monsters and level up.

Lex was going to continue farming but he saw a huge 10 meters Golden Snake near the wall. This huge snake was sleeping at a corner but not even one of the snakes dared to go near it.

'hmm, it should be a Peak First Ring monster or even a second Ring. Well, doesn't matter i have Child of darkness skill and these weak monsters can't sense me. i have two star artifacts too. i can kill it with them.'

After That Lex went close to snake by using Child of Darkness Skill. after that he took out Venomous Daggers and Put both of them on Snakes Eyes. Suddenly, Snake Screamed and woke up From its sleep but he couldn't see anything because he lost his eyes to first attack of Lex. Snake Couldn't understand what's happening. He lost His mind to Pain and Sock and Was only screaming. Meanwhile Lex Took out His sword and Put it and snake Head.

[You have been poisoned by Second Ring Monster "Golden Snake".]

[Do you want to use Exp?]


[Ding! You have Leveled up.]

[Ding! You have Leveled up.]

[Ding! You have Leveled up.]

[Ding! You have Leveled up.]

'Shit Four Times? it wasn't hard but i leveled up four times Just because Golden Snake Was a second Ring Monster. Kekek. HAHAHAHAHAHA. i'm Really OP. i need keep up the good work and continue to level up as much as possible. KEEKEK.'

After That, Lex Took Golden Snake's body put it on System's Inventory. After Buying Items and Artifact, They went to system's Inventory and Inventory was Unlocked. System's Inventory was Boundless and Lex could put anything on it as long as it wasn't a living being. System said as long as Lex Level up, and reach new Stages, Inventory will level up and he can put living being on it. he even can go to inventory himself when he reach a special level.

Lex Put Corpse of every single monster that he killed on Inventory. there were a few reasons. First, he Could sell them later when he went to outside world. he was penniless now and couldn't go back to Royal Palace and even Desanders Empire. So he needed a way to make money and selling Monster's Body was a good way. Second reason was that he could eat this monsters body. some of them helped him to cultivate skill's like poison resistance and poisonous blood and some of them helped him to Obtain Some Stat points. The Third reason was that in the future, he could use these body to trap some bigger monsters. it was his current ideas.

After taking Golden Snakes Body, Purge Continued...