Chapter 56 Price Increase

The vendor couldn't stop smiling as he took the money, "If you didn't know the worth of it, I wouldn't have wanted to sell it to you at a higher price."

Laura kept her smile, "Thank you. May I have this."

Her long fingertips pointed at the copper coin she had just picked up. The stall owner glanced at it and waved his hand indifferently, "Just take it, you can take a few more."

Anyway, that jade bowl had already made him a lot of money, so it doesn't matter for a little loss.

"No, that's enough." Laura pinched the copper coins and threw them into the jade bow. After hearing a tinkling sound, as expected, she stand up in satisfaction.

Seeing that she turned around and was about to leave, the stall owner couldn't help but laugh out loud. He laughed at the surrounding stall owners and said, "I've never seen such a foolish person with so much money!"

The other stall owners were envious, but they all laughed together and said, "When is this going to happen to us..."