Chapter 57 Regret

Laura waved to Carl, "Half a million dollars is enough to show your sincerity. Since you really like it, there is no need to raise the price. I bought it for ten thousand dollars, so I'll sell it to you at the same price."

Carl was stunned. He didn't expect that how could someone not take advantage of it?

Marcus was also surprised. And a thought crossed his mind - Laura had rejected Carl's offer because of the good relationship between the Millers and the Browns... Marcus's expression slowly softened, revealing a gentle smile.

Carl was overjoyed, "Really! Thank you so much..."

Seeing the old man was about to take out the money, the stall owner who witnessed the whole process was suddenly anxious. He had thought that the coin was a worthless trinket, so he gave it away. But now someone was willing to pay half a million for it!