Chapter 58 Gossip

The vendor couldn't figure it out. According to his vision, shouldn't the crowd criticize Laura? But...

Under the many strange eyes, he sat dumbfounded, not knowing how to react.

After a while, the crowd was set apart by the managers of Underground Market, who approached with batons, "Disperse, don't block the road."

The stall owner became violently agitated. He jumped straight over and grabbed the trouser of the manager. "Please, have it out!"

But his hand was kicked away unceremoniously. The stall owner froze. When he looked up and saw the cold eyes of the manager, a bad feeling suddenly welled up in him.

"Dare to start a quarrel here. From now on, you are removed from Underground Market!" The manager gave him a fierce glare, "Get the hell out of my way!"

The ruthlessness in his eyes instantly changed to ingratiation when he faced Marcus and Carl.