Chapter 302 for you

Laura felt lost at that time, but he also put the snack back in place with great understanding.

After all, put yourself in your shoes, and you can't help but get angry when your snack is eaten by a stranger.

Now seeing Bob pick up the cake without any worries, she stopped him subconsciously when she was nervous.

"It is OK." But Bob hooked her lips and gently pushed her hand away from him. "I bought these."

"Specially, I bought it for you."

Speaking of which, he raised his eyes and looked at Laura, with inexplicable emotions flowing in his eyes.

Laura was stunned. She looked back and didn't know what to do for a while.

"Dad, when did my brother have such a good relationship with my sister?"

Not far away, Dennis only saw Bob and Laura talking a few words, and then the two sides began to look at each other in a daze.

He was a little surprised and couldn't help turning to look at Lin Fu and wanted an explanation.