Chapter 301 Looking for Trouble

As early as Arthur borrowed the waiter's hand to find Laura trouble from that moment, many socialite childe who came in and out stopped and looked this way.

Now see Lin Fu also mixed a foot in, they all show surprised look.

Didn't you say that the Lambert family's illegitimate daughter from the countryside was hated by the Lin family? Why does it seem that … is far from the rumors now?

When Marcus came back from stopping his car, he naturally approached Laura under the sight of many people.

During the period, he did not forget to laugh and joke: "Sheng Sheng, I told you that skirt suits you very well. Look at how attractive you are, attracting so many people at once."

While speaking, Marcus sensed the strangeness on the faces of people around him, and a trace of strangeness flashed in his heart. Then he handed out two invitations as if nothing had happened.

"Mu Gongzi, this is the invitation letter that Miss Lin and I received."