Chapter 327 File Disappears

"Now don't dismantle it, wait for no one to talk about it." Daniel explained to Arthur and Mu Feng, "The assessment time has changed, and Grandpa plans to set the time at the end of the month."

Arthur carefully put away the note. He looked at Daniel with some expectation: "Brother, when can I see Grandpa?"

Daniel said: "You can see it when you pass the first examination."

Arthur was relieved. He couldn't wait to see the note, so after saying goodbye to them, he left directly.

Daniel explained what he wanted to say, and he planned to leave, but when he remembered something, he turned his head and reminded him: "Mu Feng, you remember to keep healthy these days. Although you only mean to participate, your body is ill, which will inevitably affect your assessment results."

Mu Feng's eye pupil is light gray, revealing incomparable sincerity at the moment.

He nodded slightly: "Big brother, I will."
