Chapter 328 The Imperial Doctor

There are a lot of learning materials in Dennis's computer. Once they are lost, the consequences will be serious.

Eager, Dennis quickly found his brother on WeChat: "Brother, my computer has been emptied. What should I do now?!"

When the elder brother learned this news, he was also somewhat disbelievable: "Is it because I used my string of codes?"


The brother pondered for a moment and then replied, "There are only two possibilities for this to happen."

"One, the owner of the computer you hacked into is also a hacker-his technology is even better than mine!"

"Two, when you enter the code, there are several mistakes."

What Dennis doesn't want to do is directly rule out the first possibility: Laura is a hacker, how is it possible? !

He began to check the system carefully, and after a while, he was frustrated to find that he had a letter input error.

Dennis said to his brother, "I just looked at it and I lost it wrong."