Chapter 329 Strange Achievements

Finding medicine from the cupboard, Mu Feng sat on the chair with a cup of warm water and ordered the servants to move the table outside.

The moment I swallowed the medicine, my throat was dry and astringent.

Somehow, he remembered the words of Father Sheng: "If she is willing to come to see you, your health will definitely be well maintained!"

When he found that there was a trace of expectation in his heart, Mu Feng laughed at himself: "How many magic doctors have you met in the past 20 years, how can you believe such words? Forget it."

Laugh, several servants have paved the table and other things.

Mu Feng felt that his strength had recovered, so he got up, wrote again, and practiced his unfinished calligraphy.


"Girl, I have something to ask you."

Sheng old man smiled and called Laura.

Laura was lying in bed chasing the drama with a tablet. When she heard it, she casually asked, "What?"