Chapter 344 Problem Solving

After several reporters set up photographic equipment, a little while later, twelve students entered the classroom one after another.

The teacher in charge of this training is Meng Yang. He propped up on the podium with both hands and watched the students take their seats one by one. When his eyes passed over Laura, he almost paused.

Taking advantage of this live broadcast, he had to explore the details of Laura!

When the bell rang, Meng Yang turned around and wrote several questions on the blackboard.

Turning around again, he called Laura directly: "This classmate, please come on stage and finish all these questions."

Being named, all the students' eyes focused on Laura.

The reporter also adjusted the camera to her and introduced in due course: "This classmate is Laura who has been on the cusp recently. She was suddenly called by the teacher to do the problem. What will her performance be this time?"