Chapter 345 have an opinion?

Teacher Meng slowed down. Although he still had some bad feelings about Laura in his heart, he praised him: "Laura, I am surprised. Your thinking of solving problems just now is really clear."

Laura nodded to him. "Thank you."

At that time, in the audience, only Xiu Yan looked ugly.

She took out her mobile phone from the table, pressed the buttons a few times, and sent a short message to the broker.

"You should check the background of Laura for me, especially her social circle. If you have backers and thighs, you must tell me at the first time!"

The agent quickly returned the message: "At present, the known information is that Laura has a close personal relationship with Miss Stephanie Family."

Big lady in Stephanie Family? That is to say-Lucy? !

See this name, Xiu Yan eyes flashed a trace of disgust.

I couldn't help sneering, it was really a nest of snakes and rats, and two annoying people actually got together.