The Twist

A few hours ago:

AJ looked down at the sleeping girl and gently covered her up to her face wiping her face with a warm towel. The doctor had already been by and given her an injection to bring down the effects of the drug she had been given. It relieved him to confirm that she was not a drug addict but had in fact been slipped the drugs. Though, he wasn't sure if Amy was lucky or unlucky. Luckily she had been able to come to him where she would be safe or unlucky that she had such a scummy set of friends who were now being detained.

Her small face pouted as she dreamed but he felt sucker punched. Who would have thought the boyish Amy would blossom into this beautiful butterfly? It had been a while since he had been attracted to anyone but the interest, he was feeling now was definitely attraction and quite strongly.

As he wiped her face again, she caught his wrist and rubbed her cheek against his hand, complaining, "So warm."

Another small smile graced his face when his cell phone rang. Trying to pull his hand which she was clasping tightly, AJ answered the phone," Yes?"

"How do you want to deal with them?" questioned Noel.

"Noel? This is not the first time you are handling such criminals. Everyone knows that selling drugs in my place is not going to get good results. Still, they dared. "

"I am not talking about the bartender who was selling the drugs. He won't be coming out of prison any time soon. If ever. The waitress who warned Miss Amy has cooperated and been shifted out of the country. As far as the others are concerned, she has been fired. The group that was with Amy. I am asking you about them. We have never involved ourselves in these matters. The boys who were with her... There are things..." Noel hesitated before sighing and continuing," I have forwarded their group chat to you and let me warn you that they deserve to have their di*ks cut off. The other girl- Tia, that was with them seemed unaware of their plans, but she was in on the drugging. I haven't handed them to the police, but they are making a fuss."

Looking down at his phone, he opened the chats and felt his blood boil as he read them. Clenching his teeth, he ordered," Let them enjoy our special hospitality for a while. I'll let Amy decide what she wants to do. And Noel, don't call me after this."

Slowly, he extracted his hand from her grasp and made another phone call," Find everything you can about the name that I am sending you. I want a detailed report of the last eleven years. Amy Brighton"

Amy opened her eyes to the bright light and rubbed her head against the soft smooth satin. She loved satin and silk but could not afford to buy them anymore. So, maybe she was having a nice dream. As her eyes opened a bit more, she caught a glimpse of a beautiful naked back and was even more sure that she was in a beautiful dream. The man was searching for something while she ogled his body. A perfect V shape. Even the conclave at his lower back seemed so sexy. Her face flushed as she ogled it more. Only in sleep could she find such beauty.

She noticed the man stop and turn around and she immediately snapped her eyes upwards to meet the most beautiful eyes she had seen. They were a jarring green and reminded her of a predator out on a hunt. Where had she seen this man for him to have landed in her dreams? Her imagination was most certainly not capable of creating something like that. Her eyes roved hungrily over his body. The front was as beautiful as the back. The man looked like he had stepped straight out of an erotic novel.

"Are you done ogling?" The imaginary man asked her as he donned the robe. Amy blinked.


"It is the middle of the night, Amy Brighton but now that you are awake, I think I have a proposition for you."


Looking at her slow responses, AJ wondered if she had somehow turned a bit dumb after growing up. The thought made him pause. What he was about to propose to her... if he succeeded then she would be thrown to the wolves. No. He would stand between her and the wolves, but she would need to have her wits about her.

It was only as the man continued to stare at her with his eyes focused on her did her memory come rushing back to Amy. Her birthday plans, her dizziness, the waitress' warning and then she had climbed into some man's lap and flirted quite shamelessly and unexpectedly unlike her usual self.

Amy snapped up in bed. What did she do? Looking down she noticed that her clothes were at least intact and breathed a sigh of relief. But the next minute, she remembered her friend and almost jumped out of bed. The man said that it was the middle of the night and Tia liked to party into the early morning hours. Maybe she was still in the club. She needed to hurry and get there. She should not have trusted the waitress. What if Tia had also been drugged and the waitress had been mistaken?

As she stood, she felt the world around her sway and a sound escaped her before she fell forward, directly into the man's arms who rushed forward to catch her. The man held her in place and as she struggled to escape, he shook her violently by her shoulders, " Amy Brighton! Where are you going?"

She paused at the name. Had she told him her name? "I need to save my friend. You don't know. There are drugs. I need to warn her."

"Your friend does not need saving." AJ bit out.

Once again Mia was confused so AJ sighed and spoke," Your friend was in on the drugging. Sit down and have some water. We will start over and I'll explain everything though she is safe for now so stop worrying. By the way, do you know who I am? Have you remembered?"

As he questioned her, the name came to her as if it had always been there," AJ." Her eyes wandered over to his left hand and saw the scar that began from his third finger to his wrist.

A small smile played around his lips, happy that she had remembered him, as he continued," Yes. Now, I know you are worried about what has happened so I will let you know. But before that... I have something to discuss..."