Meeting The In laws

The Present:

Amy stared up at the handsome man who stood by her side and spoke, "Are you sure this is right? I am not too comfortable deceiving Grandma and Grandpa like this..."

Picking up her hand, AJ tenderly threaded her hand through his arm and spoke," I thought you were happy to help me."

"Yes. But at the time..."

"You were hungover?", AJ drawled.

"No! I was feeling grateful for what you did and nostalgic!" came the pat reply from Amy. "But now that I have had time to think about it...I am not too sure."

"Well, then don't think. You have already agreed, and I have given what you wanted in return! And I don't..."

"There is no need to threaten me AJ." Amy interrupted quietly. "These are just my nerves talking. I am grateful to you for saving me from the fate that awaited me and for showing me the truth about my best friend. Not trusting anyone is a lesson I had forgotten after coming to the commoner life."

Amy shuddered to think what would have happened if she had not thrown herself at AJ last night after the waitress' warning. Or if AJ had been someone else. The details and the plans those vile people had for her made her stomach churn! And from their confident talk in the chats, she suspected that they had done things like that in the past to some other unsuspecting girls as well! When AJ had told her that Tia had been involved in the drugging, she had been too shocked once again and unwilling to believe. But as she read through the many chats between her and her sick boyfriend, she realized that even though Tia had been unaware of what her boyfriend was planning, she had indeed not bothered to protect her friend and their friendship. To Tia, it was important that her friend not be the odd one out among their so-called 'cool' friends.

"You could trust me, little Mimi." AJ teased with a smile as he slowly guided her up the stairs of the mansion.

"Trust a man who is deceiving his poor old grandparents into believing that he is in love with an eighteen-year-old girl? Thanks but no thanks."

AJ nodded his head once in acknowledgement at the barb," You may have a point."

Before AJ could have said more, the door to the mansion opened and a butler bowed," Welcome, Your Highness. Welcome, Lady Amy Brighton."

A warm smile graced her face as she stared at the old butler and she teased," Hello Butler Sim! You too are still here! Be careful when you bow! What if you get stuck in that position?" Amy continued as the butler bent at the waist to greet her.

The butler smiled warmly, not the least bit offended, and spoke," Lady Amy is as humorous as ever. Please follow me. The King and Queen are already seated in the parlour."

As the butler turned, Amy pinched AJ's hand and spoke in a hushed whisper," What I don't understand is why are these people so accepting that you and I are already a couple! I mean, I am practically jailbait for you!"

"Who would dare to put me in prison?" AJ asked with amusement.

Another small pinch and she continued," You know what I mean! A man like you would want a physical relationship with the woman he loves, and I am too young for you. I turned eighteen just yesterday! We are a may-december relationship! So..."

"Well, you are not too young anymore." Casting a suggestive glance over her slim dress-clad figure, AJ continued," And might I say it is precisely because of your looks that anyone would believe I am totally smitten with you."

This time there was no verbal reply as Amy blushed and looked down and away. The look caused AJ to be even more amused as he gently ran a finger down her cheek and continued," It might also have something to do with the fact that an impish six-year-old girl announced to the world in the King's court that she would marry me as soon as she was allowed to."

This time Amy's eyes snapped up to his in amazement. The 'impish' girl in question had been her. When King William had asked her what she wanted for her birthday, she had announced that she wanted AJ and until she could have him and marry him, she wanted nothing.

As the blush on her cheek heightened, AJ was tempted to lean down and kiss her cheek, just to see if she could turn any more red. But before he could act on his errant thought, King William spoke," You boy! Are you going to keep the little girl standing in the corridor all evening? Bring her in and let us see her!"

AJ shook his head and this time, placed his palm on her lower back to guide her in. "Let's go, sweetheart. Time to put your acting skills to the test."

The palm on her lower back seemed to burn through the dress she wore. Trying to take calm breaths to get through the evening, Amy slowly walked inside and stopped short.

Parlour? The best way to describe this room would be a throne room. Right in the middle of the large and airy room were two massive ornate chairs. On the first chair sat King William, with his walking stick still in his hand. On the other sat Queen Lily. While one blustered and made noise, the other was calm and serene. Unable to help herself, Amy bent her knees and curtsied.

The action earned her a nod of approval from the Queen while the King waved his hand," Dispense with the formalities. We are family! Come closer! Let us take a better look at you."

The evening then passed away with the King and Queen catching up with Amy about the past, her plans for the future and the relationship between AJ and her. The questions were fielded expertly by AJ but the half-truths and lies made Amy's stomach wobble as she wondered for the nth time if she had made a mistake in agreeing to the prince's proposition. And this dread increased tenfold as just after dinner, Queen Lily held her hand and spoke," Little Mimi! I cannot tell you how relieved I am with AJ's choice! You will make a fine Queen someday."

Her words sticking in her throat, Amy wanted to blurt out the truth but the Queen then slipped on a gold bangle onto her wrist," Wear this, Mimi. This is the bangle for the daughters-in-law of the Royal Family. It has been passed on for many generations. Welcome to the family, Mimi. You will call me Grandma from this day forward."

Tears glittered in her eyes as Mia looked at the acceptance in the older woman's eyes and was reminded of their lie. Hushed, she spoke," Grandma..."

But before she could continue, AJ placed his hand on hers and spoke," Thank you, grandma! We would not be happy if we did not have your blessings."