Sulk Sulk


As AJ drove the car back towards his hotel, Amy could not stop fidgeting with her gold bangle. She had met the King and Queen after almost eleven years and lying to them did not sit well with her. After thinking repeatedly, she finally spoke," We can just break up after a little while you know? You could say that I was too young or childish for you..."

But AJ ignored what she had to say and continued to drive. "AJ?"

"We've already had this discussion, Amy. I am not rehashing it."

Huffing, Amy crossed her arms in front of her and stared out of the window. It was only as they were almost on the opposite side of the city that Amy realized," Are you not taking me back to my dorm?"

"No. We have to finish our discussions and then you can rest. It hasn't been twenty-four hours since you were drugged. I want the doctor to come over and take a look again."

"But I am fine..."

"It is not up for discussion, Amy."

"Bossy much?" Muttering under her breath about dictators and kings, Amy continued to stare out of the window as they drove past the quiet streets to the more bustling ones on this side of the city.

In the hotel, Amy proceeded to ignore him and went straight to the room that had been allotted to her in the big suite. At least the man was considerate enough to arrange all sorts of clothes for her. How he knew her exact sizes, she could not think without blushing so it was better to not think.

Noel stared at the report of the investigator in his hand and then at his friend," AJ are you sure she is the one?

AJ once again ignored his friend and continued to read the agreement that Noel had prepared." "A.J. I do not think I can help you with this. I know I am the one who suggested such an arrangement in the first place but this girl... You have a long history with her so she is already attached to you. She has also refused any monetary or other compensation from you in return for doing this. What if in the future she has a change of heart and instead you end up being in trouble? What you have prepared is a simple pre-nuptial agreement. What about a non-disclosure agreement? And a binding clause that prevents her from leaving you or spreading malignant rumours about you and blackmailing you? At the moment, she is feeling grateful to you but once she is exposed to the public..."

Finally, AJ looked up with a frown," This agreement is indeed not enough."

Picking up the pen and notepad, he quickly wrote down a few instructions that had Noel's eyes almost falling out of his head. His ice-cold friend had lost his sanity maybe?

Handing the notepad back to Noel, AJ ordered, "Make these changes and bring them to me within an hour. We will be signing the contract tonight itself."

"What is the hurry?" Noel questioned but knew. Now that King William had approved of the girl, he would have already made provisions to make an announcement. And once the preparations for the announcement started, that evil woman would also know. So they needed to tie up the loose ends before something happened.


Amy stared down at the contract in front of her. She was pretty sure that her face was as red as a beetroot from sheer mortification while the lawyer Noel and AJ were both sitting there nonchalantly. As if discussing a girl's sex life between a contract was completely normal.

"This..." She tried to speak but her voice seemed to have disappeared. Clearing her throat, Amy tried again," This... Is this part necessary?"

"What part?", AJ questioned as he continued to work while the lawyer simply shrugged.

"Uhh... the part about us being together." Amy ended in a rush.

That made AJ pause his work and stare at her.

"Yes, Amy. It is a must. In fact, that is the one part I will not negotiate on."


"Why what?" He asked, being deliberately obtuse.

"I have already told you that I have no interest in that part. And we did discuss three years so there is no need for all this."

As the two stared at each other, an electric current seemed to pass through the room. Noel cleared his throat and spoke, "I'll let you two discuss this first. I'll be outside."

He was ignored but once the door closed, AJ spoke," I will not have my fiance sleeping with anyone other than me. You may think that you have no interest in losing your virginity, but that does not mean it will not change in the future. Also, you don't have to sleep with me, only if you feel the urge to sleep with someone, I am your only option."


As he spoke, he stalked to her and continued, "There is also the matter of introducing you to the press. You shy away from my touch and look like a deer in headlights when I come close to you. If you continue like this, the press will sniff out the truth even before you have had a chance to greet them. So..."

Placing a finger under her chin, he tilted her face up and continued," And so, we will be together many times in the next three years so that we are comfortable with each other. So, get used to me..."

With that, AJ closed the slight distance between their mouths and kissed her slowly...