A Perfect Couple?

"A few days after the announcement of the King's engagement, many factions in Leland started to question his choice of bride. Though it is easily accepted that the King may marry a commoner but a commoner so common? There are many outstanding females among the King's acquaintances who have been known to have extraordinary talent. The biggest person in these discussions is the Prince's close colleague and the title holder of Miss Leland- Miss Jacqueline Leal."

"Yes. When there was such mystery surrounding Miss Amelia, there were endless rumours about the King being on intimate terms with Miss Jacqueline. While both women are beautiful beyond measure,Jacqueline has already represented our country on an international level and her experience is much greater than the Queen to be. So of course the comparisons are going to be there. But is this fair to the future Queen? She is yet young and may be able to do well in the future as well."

In the large salon Miss Jacqueline sipped her glass of champagne as she smiled at Lady Honoria who had just repeated the remarks that were at present being spread among the classes and the masses. Though her answer to the speculation had been humble and modest, it had made her even more loved to the masses. After all, she had not directly spoken against the girl but slyly concurred with the others that the girl might be too young.

Lady Honoria held hed the dainty hand of the beauty and spoke," Very soon, people will be able to see the difference in that piece of coal and a diamond like yourself. Even if you are a commoner, you are born of nobility. And soon enough AJ will get tired of that tiresome girl. Do you know I heard that she has been throwing tantrums because AJ does not have time for her? hmpf, did she think that AJ was her personal servant. After announcing their engagement ball, she should have went on official engagements but instead she has been locked inside. I am sure that AJ is also testing the public's reaction. Don't worry, my dear. Everyone knows that AJ has you in his heart for the past two years. So what if he ended up engaged to that little child because of a moment of madness? It was just a matter of bad timing and that is why your relationship had to be hidden away like it was something dirty..."

Princess Alberta shook her head while sipping her own drink. Honoria was being too kind to Jacqueline. Maybe she saw herself in Jacqueline. After all they were both mistresses to be used by the Princes for their se*ual release. While her brother was foolish enough to abdicate the throne, AJ was not so easy. And that young girl? She was also not so simple. Her past was hidden better than a pirate's treasure! And it was not just AJ's doing.

For now, Alberta would sit back and let these women play mouse and once the weak ones had been eliminated, she would make her move.

As the closet struck seven, the doors to the salon opened and AJ marched in with the Queen. Following behind the two was the girl Alberta had been wanting to study for so long. Well, the gossips had this right, at least. She was very beautiful.. even more so than Jacqueline. Alberta smiled as she watched Jacqueline also realize this.

The Queen stopped beside the large table where the family was to be seated, nodding at Jacqueline who merely curtsied. The Queen raised an eyebrow and questioned her grandson," I thought this evening was family only. So why is Miss Jacquelie here?"

Blushing at the indirect insult, Jacqueline looked down and murmured in a soft voice," Forgive me. your majesty. I was here for an engagement with Lady Honoria and did not realise the time. I'll leave right away..."

The Queen nodded but AJ spoke up, "It's okay grandmother. Miss Leal is a friend of the family so it's nto a problem if she joins us."

"If you say so, AJ. But next time, when I call for a family dinner, I expect family only."

With that sharp reprimand, the Queen took her seat on one side of the table while AJ took the seat next to her. As Jacqueline moved to sit next to him, the Queen spoke," Mimi. Come sit next to AJ. He tells me that you have been unwell these past few days..."

"I'm okay grandma! Just needed some rest but now I am back and ready to bounce."

"Bounce out of the palace, why don't you?", griped Lady Honoria earning a hard stare from the Queen.

"Queen Mother! Please do not look at me like this. This girl has been here for so many days but has she bothered to even meet the family. You and father always insisted on the importance of family but now you shelter this young girl. I and Nicholas are not satisfied with this match! And not just us, but even the people of Leland are not satisfied with her. You can ask your press consultants on what they think about this girl. Also, everyone knows that AJ is in love with anyone else. Otherwise why would a healthy young man not stay in his own fiance's room? Queen mother, this is not right. Please cancel this engagement."

Queen Lily stared at Mimi who was looking down at her lap to her grandson who was sitting with no expression on his face and sighed. Of course she had heard all this but there was an outsider now...

"Lady Honoria, the Royal Family has always walked the right path and not the path that people 'think' is right. Also, I think before I teach Mimi about the royal ettiquettes and manners, you need a reminder about it. Discussing family affairs in front of outsiders! I do not want any more talks for the meal today!"

After a two hour long meal, the Queen dabbed her lips and spoke," AJ and Amy. I want to see you both in the morning."