A Plan And A Blackmailer

Amy marched to her room in stony silence. That man had the gall to reprimand her about exposing their fake relationship but he saw no problem in parading his mistress in front of the Queen and the press. Of course, the rumours would spread if he was seen parading into parties with another woman when his fiance had already been presented to the public. She'd always known that their lie was precarious and would be exposed someday. She had simply not expected everything to unravel so soon."

Bolting the door behind her, she paced across the length of the room trying to think of a way to convince the Queen tomorrow to break her engagement with that two-faced jerk! You can't hand with any other boys. You have to sleep with me only or not be interested in se*. The conditions he dared to lay out for her and then he goes and sleeps with other women at the first opportunity!

Now that she had proof that he was a cheating, self-centred, self-righteous prig! She would convince the Queen to not force their marriage. Even though Grandma loved AJ she also loved her like a granddaughter. Grandma Lily would not want her to be in an unhappy marriage.

As Amy happily planned her escape with the help of this unexpected opportunity, her happy bubble burst when she realized one thing. She did not really have proof. Because even though she herself had seen him with other women, there was no proof. And even the media who was claiming that AJ was in love with Jacqueline, did not have anything concrete but only hearsay and body language experts.

Moving to the window, she stared outside while trying to think of a way to escape this. It wasn't as if she wanted to be known as a person who had been cheated on but if this gave her the opportunity to escape the ties that AJ had bound her with, she would use it. As if the heavens wanted to support her, the opportunity presented itself when she spotted AJ and Jacqueline walking in the green labyrinth outside.

Hurriedly, she grabbed her phone, ready to click incriminating pictures. But, when she returned, the couple had already disappeared. Disappointed, she moved away from the window and walked back inside a new plan forming in her head. Tomorrow she would...

Invigorated by her new escape plan, Amy fell back on the bed ready to sleep when there was an urgent knock on the door. Frowning at who would be visiting her at this moment, she opened the door, only to try and slam it shut again. But it was useless as AJ stopped her attempt with a single push and marched inside, closing the door behind him.

"Why are you here?" Amy scowled at him.

"I am here to sleep with you, of course." AJ snapped back.

"In your dreams!" she snapped back.

"Well, any dreams with you in them would be nightmares! So no thanks. I am going to just sit here and do my work and you can sleep. After your tantrums and avoidance of me, Lady Honoria is already suspicious of our relationship. I don't need her to have more ammunition. I will leave after sufficient time has passed and the servants can spread the gossip that I spent the better part of the night in your room."

Amy was about to point out that he should not have been traipsing around the palace with Jacqueline if he wanted to come across as a doting fiance but kept her mouth shut. There was no need to reveal her cards earlier.

Laying down on the bed, she pulled the covers over her head and closed her eyes, soon falling asleep.

AJ stared at the small lump on the bed and sighed. He truly had not expected Amy to turn out to be such a problem. Here she was sleeping soundly while he was left dealing with her 'close friend' who she had been about to elope with. The man actually thought that he could blackmail him with Amy.

Sitting back, AJ clicked his fingers on the arms of the chair. With his own coronation so close, breaking their engagement contract would be a risky move. But he could also not add to his troubles by letting her be continuously indiscreet. If it came to choosing between saving the throne and letting go of Amy, he would cut her off immediately. She would not be a Royal parasite!

At this moment, he regretted his moment of impulsiveness when he had trusted her. He should have taken Noel's suggestion and made her sign a non-disclosure agreement as well. With a sigh, he agreed to meet the boy who Amy believed herself to be in love with and check out whatever proof he had against Amy. The only reason AJ had not touched the boy when he had discovered her plan was that he had believed that the boy was unaware of her identity as AJ's fiance. And so, he would have made a good bait to force AMy to comply. But now the innocent party seemed interested in blackmailing him.

Once the man agreed to bring the evidence to Aj for inspection, he closed his laptop and went to stand over Amy near the bed. She had already pushed away the covers and was sleeping as innocently as a baby.

Sitting next to her, AJ ran a finger over her cheek as he murmured," I hope you have not been too foolish Amy. I'd hate to be callous and unmerciful to you."