The Rumor Mill

It's been more than a few days since social media exploded with the new royal couples news. But while we may have expected many talks about the royal couple we most certainly did not expect the King of Leland's private life to be the main subject. This particular maelstrom was kicked up due to the fact that King Aiden appeared with a certain beauty soon after introducing his fiance to the world. While the reason for this was cited as the Queen-to- be needed to adjust to the warmer climates of Leland as well as previous commitments to the beauty for appearing at certain events together, the people cannot help but discuss that the young lady has already been abandoned by His Highness.

While some have cited the age difference between the couple, others claim that the King has been in love with Miss J for quite some time and regretted proposing to someone else. However, his sense of responsibility and King William's approval of Lady Amelia seem to stop him from breaking off the engagement. Many youngsters have already started to sign petitions to the Queen to break off this unwanted engagement.

While both women are of plebian backgrounds..."

"That is enough," The queen cast a scathing glance at her grandson who was also listening to the news report being read by her assistant and spoke," AJ. What is the meaning of these rumours? Are you trying to use this trick to break off your engagement?"

"You know that is not true, Grandma. I regard only Amy as my future wife."

"And Jacqueline as your mistress? You are going to be the King soon, for God's sake!" Queen Lily scoffed. However before AJ could say more, she continued," The PR will not issue any clarification or notices to refute these rumours. I expect you and Amy to present a united front and redirect the press to your love story. Your grandfather and I have pinned all our hopes on you. I hope you won't destroy everything like your father."

"Yes, grandmother," AJ spoke quietly when there was a knock on the door.

As Amy greeted the Queen, the fierce expression on her face vanished and she beckoned," Mimi! How are you, little one? I heard that the heat here has been getting to you and so you have been resting?"

Amy cast a sideways glance at AJ before turning back to the Queen," I'd forgotten how hot Leland can be, grandma. But I am fine now."

"Good. Then Mimi, I have something important to discuss with you and AJ."

Amy cast another wary glance at the ice face sitting there and then nodded at the Queen with hesitation. "Now that you are finished with your studies, I think it is time you take up your royal duties. While I know that you are well equipped for it, I ask that you take out a little bit of time and start making appearances. I have already arranged for someone to guide you with it. Secondly, we will be holding an engagement ball for you and AJ next month. all the arrangements have been made for it. Your assistants have already been ordered to coordinate your schedules for the engagement portrait photos for the Royal Gallery. AJ, I have also asked Noel to take over all your business appointments for the time being. You will be attending the upcoming National Sports Challenges together as a couple. Also, I want you to act as Amy's tour guide during these next two weeks. Show her the country she is going to embrace and mentor in the future."

Amy wanted to groan at the arrangement. The Queen had basically made sure that they would be stuck together for the next few days. She needed to protest this! "Grandma! There is no need for AJ to show me around. He will be busy with work..."

However, as she threw a glance at the despicable man for supporting her statement, AJ caught his hand with hers, entwining their fingers together so that they were palm to palm and spoke," I will be happy to show Amy around, grandma. Don't worry. As for the engagement portraits, I have already invited a photographer. He will be joining us tomorrow."

Queen Lily glanced at the couple sitting together and nodded," Good, then. Come, let's have breakfast." As the Queen stood up and left, Amy pulled her hand away from him and muttered slowly," I am no spending any more time with you!"

"And I am not arguing with you, Amy. Remember my threat. And cooperate quietly. Now, paste an adoring look on your face and come with me."

Amy made a face at AJ who commented," That is not an adoring look but more of a grimace. You have to look at me the way you would look at your favourite dark chocolate cake."

Amy rolled her eyes and imagined putting a burning candle on top of his head which brought a genuine smile to her face. Placing her hand in the crook of his arm, Amy and AJ went together for breakfast.