Her True Voice

"I do not want to marry him. There is no tenderness in him, no loving hugs, nothing. Just cold formality. When I became friends with him again I knew it was something profound that had come my way, but slowly, I realised it was different from what I had expected. I thought being with the King would be bliss, but I couldn't have been more mistaken. I still remember meeting him and feeling desperately grateful to him..."

"You must have been so lonely, always behind him, hidden in shadows like a dirty secret..." a man's voice spoke. "You were too young to have fallen for him."

"But he was nice to me. And I thought he'd continue to be nice to me. I never thought that my position would change once I gave in to him."

"Do you not love him anymore?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe I am. Maybe I am not. Whatever that means. See, I was brought up with the sense that you know when you get engaged to someone you love them. But he seems to have very different ideas."