
"I can step away from her. I'm sure she will forget me..."

As Perry spoke the words, AJ stood up and slowly neared the man, staring at him unblinkingly. Perry gulped and clenched his hands as a shiver of fear passed through him, making him want to escape. But he needed the money... His eyes moved to Amy who stared at him and he wondered why she had to use him in the prank. Yes, he had acted this play with her when they were younger but did she have to tease someone who could have him killed with a word? He was her fiance so naturally, he wouldn't do anything to her but what about him? He was a mere college student, trying to make ends meet."

It was only as the King walked by him, ignoring him as if he had not just tried to blackmail him that Perry breathed a sigh of relief. But then the door to the room closed and only the lawyer, Amy and himself were left. He wanted to rush to Amy but the lawyer beat him to it.