A Little Worried

"I hoped to get out of this marriage, of course." As Amy spoke it, she tried to push AJ away but he refused to budge. Instead, the man leaned even closer making Amy lean back as she tried to avoid his closeness, but AJ was not having it. Pushing her legs apart, he pulled her to the edge, and brought his hand to the back of her neck, holding her still, "Why?"

"I don't think I owe you an explanation, AJ. We had an agreement of engagement, and I have fulfilled that part. Now I do not want to be imprisoned anymore."

"Imprisonment, huh? You did not feel imprisoned until last year when you almost gave yourself to me? Hmm? In fact, I was almost sure that you were eager to marry me until you suddenly changed. I want to know what caused the change. Do you feel the change in your breathing when I am near you, Amy? Your body recognises my touch and yearns for it. So, why are you denying yourself for?"