Missing My Fiancé

As the sunlight hit his face, AJ stretched lazily, patting his hand to look for his mischievous little fiance who had pushed him to the point of exhaustion last night. After a couple of years of celibacy, he should have been the one insatiable but she had definitely matched him in eagerness. And she was too quick a learner.

When his hand met cold empty space, AJ cracked open one eye and looked around. Where was she? "Amy?", he called out but only silence was the answer.

Shaking his head to get rid of the sleepiness, AJ sat up in bed before padding to the bathroom. Uh-huh. No fiance there as well. Hmm, he would have liked having her in the shower.

Finally, he found a note stuck on top of the drawer, "Need breakfast. Going down. You are old but vigorous so we can continue round two later..."

Round two? More like round four or five! He had lost count. And what did she mean that he was old but vigorous? He'd show her who was old!