Fears Of the Past

Lady Agasta gently massaged the tense shoulders of her lover while looking down at his head with love," She is settling into her room, even as we speak."

"How is her attitude?"

Lady Agasta sighed," She seems... unaffected, your majesty. At first, I expected resistance or hostility. Even some bitterness. After all, from what you have told me, she should have cause to be like that. But she is indifferent to all of that. I suggested taking her sightseeing, but she refused, over health reasons and only wanted to visit your parents' graves."

"Health reasons? Is she sick?", the King asked with agitation but Lady Agasta shook her head and spoke," She said she doesn't like winters and snow."

King Delroy turned quiet after that, staring at the picture in front of him. A little girl sitting on top of a large ball of snow pretending to be a snowman.