Feud Or Not to Feud

Throughout the history of many royal families, there has been no shortage of feuds. Be it between brothers or royal families connected via marriage alliances. Execution, cheating and lies are part of the Royal life. And we common folk are definitely interested in being a part of this! In the latest about the Royal families, we bring to you excitement, drama and even suspense. 

We have all recently known Lady Amelia, soon-to-be queen of Leland, who has earned the moniker of being "The Commoner's Princess." But, let us not forget the truth. Lady Amelia was born a princess but the title was taken away from her before she turned eight when the then Crown Princess of Valleys was exiled for divorcing the Crown Prince! Yes. A divorce that led to exile. Before we bring you the story of King Delroy and the exiled former crown princess, you need to know why we digging into the past today!