The Meeting Of The Two Sisters

"What do you mean?" roared King Delroy as he heard Amelia's words. But Amy had no interest in elaborating on her statement. He had thrown her mother aside to survive on her own, hadn't he> If King Delroy had truly loved her mother, wouldn't he have sent someone to check on her? Or if he loved her so dearly, why did he order her exile along with her mother? Why did he not send someone to bring her back when she was left alone in the world after her mother's death? They were all questions that had once tortured her. They had made her hate him and doubt the word, love. 

Even if all that had changed after getting to know AJ, it did not mean that the wounds of the past had healed. The truth was that even though she trusted AJ with every breath of her body, a small part of her was that little scared girl who reminded herself to continue her own independence. It was why she had been pushing for reform in the house of the public. A reform of paying wages to royals.