A Request

Amy and Emilia stared at each other as the designer brought out one dress after another. They were choosing bridesmaid dresses and Emilia was not liking any in the least. As the fourth dress was carried back by the saleswoman, Emilia whispered," Why is she trying to give me a curtain to wear?"

Amy covered her mouth and reprimanded," Don't be silly. That is not a curtain! It can be a tablecloth at most." The two women giggled at that before putting on a more serious face as the saleswoman carried in another 'creation'.

"If you choose that, I will get out of the wedding party before you can say a word!" Emilia almost shouted as she looked at the crimson bows on the shiny golden gown.

To say the saleswoman was insulted would have been an understatement. The woman simply straightened and replied primly," I will have you know that this is an all-time classic..."