Father And Daughter

King Delroy and Amy sat together on the couch, flipping through an old photo album that he had brought with him. As they looked through the pictures, he pointed out different family members and their reactions when they held her for the first time.

"Now this is not your picture but do you notice the similarities? This was your grandfather when he was young," the father said, pointing to a black-and-white photo. "He used to love fishing and would take us all out on his boat when we were young. You were the apple of his eye." King Delroy smiled fondly at the picture while Amy could not help but mutter," A rotten apple when he realized I couldn't be of help to him."

King Delroy paused. "Amy... I know my parents did you wrong...Amy you are going to become a queen soon. There will be times when you may have to take difficult decisions..."

"Are you defending yourself or your parents?", Amy asked sharply.