A Lonely Childhood

Feeling marginally better after a bath, Amy walked out of Emilia's room. Seeing that the girl was still out like a light, Amy placed the glass of lemon water on the table and walked out. She would help with cleaning up later. But right now, she needed to go and see someone before Emilia woke up.

Using the path that Emilia had shown her when they had escaped together, Amy looked for the nanny's apartment. Unexpectedly, before Amy could ask anyone, the nanny herself walked out with a large suitcase in her hand. The older woman's eyes were red and swollen as if she had been crying for a long time.

She stopped in her tracks as she saw Amy and stared. A moment later, she turned away her head, bowed stiffly and greeted," Good morning, Lady Amelia."

"Good morning. Are you going somewhere, Miss..."

"Tiggy Lebourke, Ma'am."

"Miss Tiggy. Are you going somewhere?"