The Right To The Crown

"By the end of her twelfth birthday, the princess had adapted to palace life. With no mother or grandparents to look after her and a father who had little time, she had become well-versed in hiding her feelings. But around her thirteenth birthday, she came back energized and started studying. She even gave up cooking in the kitchens."

Now that I think back on it, this must have been around the time of your sixteenth birthday when the King came to know of your mother's death. I do not know what kind of discussion he had with her, but she decided that day that she would become the next ruler of Valleys. 

For the last four years, she spent day and night studying. She had a grand plan. She would earn her master's degrees by the time she turned sixteen. And then she would serve the people of Valleys and stand by her father until he wished to retire. Do you know she has done a Masters in Arts with specialisations in Geography and Political Science?"