An Illegal Move

Sir Edmund Phyly stared at the groom who stood at the altar next to the priest and sighed," Your Majesty, forgive me for being so bold. But are you sure what you are doing is the right thing to do?"

King Delroy sighed and shook his head," Of course not. It doesn't feel like it is my daughter's wedding but more like a military strike."

"Then why are you doing this?" He questioned.

"I have considered it carefully. It is right for the future of Valleys. Clive will make a perfect ruler. But I cannot just hand him the right to rule the Kingdom. It will create a further mess in the House of Lords. So this is the best course of action." King Delroy answered.

"Your Majesty, Clive is indeed suitable to take on this heavy mantle. There is no doubt. But I thought you had Emilia in mind to marry him." Sir Edmund pointed out.

"Clive likes Amelia and not Emilia." King Delroy answered quietly.