An Interview

Inside the room, AJ, Noel and Emilia looked around in a panic. Where was Amy? 

Kicking at the chair, Emilia cursed," I should not have left her, dam* it! Where is she? It's already her birthday. Why did Father have to do this today of all days?"

  Just then a young man approached them and raced to Emilia," Em! Sir Edmund has sent me. You have to come with me."

As the man would have pulled her away, Noel stopped him," Who are you? Is this some trap?"

Sir Edmund! Emilia felt a light bulb go off in her head. Feeling slightly relieved, Emilia spoke," Sir Edmund is my mentor and the chief Justice of Valleys. For any marriage of Royalty, his signature is mandatory! I saw him in the evening a while ago! Even then I forgot to connect the dots. This is his grandson. If he has sent for us then that would mean he has his doubts."