A Question

"Princess Amelia, you need to repeat the words." The minister pointed out.

Bobbing her head up and down, Amy whispered," I have a question..."

King Delroy who had taken a seat sighed and spoke," Amelia, you can ask all questions later after the marriage. Now is not the time."

Amelia shook her head and persisted," But the Minister did not ask if anyone had any objection to the marriage. And if they did not, they should forever keep their mouth shut?"

The minister frowned and Sir Edmund narrowed his eyes, while Clive said," We do not have that custom here in Valleys. And Sir Edmund has already questioned you, hasn't he? So if anyone has any objections they would already have said so."

Amelia nodded and said," Okay. That seems reasonable enough."

"Thank you, princess. Now please repeat..." The minister spoke...

"Who are you?" Amy questioned loudly, astounding the few present as she questioned Clive who could only shut his mouth in a line.