A Press Conference

"Isn't the Princess too young to marry the first man she meets?"

The reporters discussed amongst themselves as they read the briefing for the press release.

"Yes. Even though she is legally an adult, she is all of sixteen. I mean, yes there was a time when sixteen was considered an appropriate age for marriage but that time is long past and so is society. In this day and age, a sixteen-year-old girl is simply not ready for marriage. Heck, they are barely ready for a relationship, I feel." Added another reporter who thought of her own daughter who was the same age as the princess. 

"But Princess Emilia is not just any girl, is she? She has already completed her studies and is ready for the responsibility... Also with the rumours about King Delroy's failing health, it is imperative that she secure the crown so as not to invite trouble in the future. The life of Royalty is not easy." Added yet another reporter.