The Secret Code

While Clive denied all questions about any rift between him and AJ, he was also very quick to talk about Noel's interference in matters where he should not be concerned. It was an indirect attack but an attack none the lass.

Emilia looked down at the papers that she held in her hand and then at the people standing outside who had brought these papers. Her suspicions had been true indeed. There was sabotage involved in her father's worsening condition.

While her father did have a history of mild cognitive impairment, the early onset of the severity of the disease had been instigated by a drug in his system. But what was the point in knowing it now when she was still powerless to stop anything? All the doctors in the hospital were in cahoots with Clive. 

As she wondered what to do about this, someone knocked on the door slowly and whispered with worry," They are coming, princess."