
Emilia stared at the man she was seeing after two years. Even though he had been unconscious for the last sixteen hours, she had been unable to look away from him. He had not changed at all. Other than having longer hair, he looked just the same. She'd already had a panic attack about him not waking up after twelve hours but she had checked his pulse and for any signs that he might be dying. He seemed to be safe. 

Sighing, she turned to her phone. At least she had relayed his message to AJ who had swiftly taken action, taking Amy and her father out of the picture. Now Clive would have no one to blackmail her with. Even though she needed more information about the neurotoxin, she was relieved for the moment. At least, Clive would not go about administering it to unsuspecting innocent people. The guards and trained soldiers had already been dispatched to protect the ministers, businessmen and others who could be deemed important by Clive.