A Siege

"What do you mean, that they are not here?"

Portia clenched her fingers at this and tried to calm Clive as she said," I do not know, Clive. They were here until yesterday. But that Amelia and King Delroy seemed to have disappeared since this evening. And Emilia is also missing since last night.."

"Did I not tell our people to keep an eye on every one of them and all the hidden exits? I provided a fuc*ing map with every hidden exit. Then how did these people leave the palace? They've slipped through our fingers! You should have been more vigilant!"

Clive sat in his room, frustration seeping through his veins. The news had just reached him that the people he intended to hold hostage had managed to escape. His carefully laid plans were unravelling, and anger welled up within him. Why did this happen just when he was so near his goal that he could almost touch it?