49 – The Core

Looks like Szur managed to do something.

"Keep distracting this thing!" I gave Emily an order, then flew away. "I will beat the shit out of this ugly monster!"

Without waiting for an answer, I moved further away, then sped up and hit the monster. Our enemy immediately swayed, very different from when it was still in the form of a horse.

The undeads continued to climb over the monster's body, but that creature could focus on attacking me. I dodged its attack again for the umpteenth time.

I'm lucky that thing is not as fast as before.

However, my speed has also decreased due to the impact of the initial attacks. And I'm sure, one more time hit by that monster, I'll be finished.

So, I kept flying in circles and punching my enemy. Every time my punch hits the target, the gaps in the monster's body widen.

And finally, I saw a gap that seemed enough for me.

"Shit!" I cursed for barely dodging a single blow, then darted into the monster's body.